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Event Data Recorders, A Decade of Innovation

Event Data Recorders, A Decade of Innovation

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
April 2008

Author: H. Clay Gabler
Co-Author(s): John A. Hinch & John Steiner

This book contains 28 landmark papers, providing a comprehensive look at event data recorder (EDR) technology for cars, light trucks, and heavy vehicles. By collecting EDR data, vehicle safety trends can be established, providing car companies, researchers, and regulators with science-based methods to better understand vehicle crashes.

In addition to classic and cutting-edge papers, the book features insightful materials on the new National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Final Rule on Event Data Recorders (49 CFR, Part 563), including the rule itself, a summary, and the response to petitions for reconsideration.

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