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Exploring Safety Compliance Challenges and Advancements in Trucking
Our CEO John Steiner, EMBA, along with other industry experts, will dive into the exciting challenges and advancements in safety compliance. They'll discuss the areas of autonomous driving, electric vehicles, and other innovative technologies shaping the future of trucking.
Celebrating Collaboration and Innovation in Heavy Vehicle Research
At the 2024 SAE International WCX Conference in Detroit, Michigan, Wesley Grimes of Mecanica Scientific Services Corporation and esteemed colleagues presented groundbreaking research, documented in SAE Technical Paper No. 2024-01-2889, focusing on the simulation of Vehicle Speed Sensor Data for Heavy Vehicle Event Data Recorder Testing, crucial for crash reconstruction and highway safety.
Mecanica’s Impact at the Seventh National Road Safety Congress
Mecanica Científicos de México participated in the Seventh National Road Safety Congress, focusing on enhancing road safety and leveraging new technologies for commercial fleets, with John Steiner, EMBA, highlighting cutting-edge technologies for event documentation and mitigation, expressing gratitude to Alex Thiessen and Leonardo Gomez for the opportunity to collaborate.
Mecanica colleagues awarded prestigious title
We are thrilled to announce that two of our esteemed colleagues, Wesley Grimes and John Steiner, EMBA, have been awarded the prestigious title of Master Instructors by SAE International!
Mecanica expands services to Southwest, US
Mecanica announces its acquisition of Collision Engineering Associates Inc., (CEA) of Mesa, Arizona, expanding Mecanica’s range of specialization, regions served, and its client base.
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